3550 Lawrenceville-Suwanee Rd. #107, Suwanee, GA 30024 USA - Gary Dailey: 404-625-7432, [email protected]
For Immediate Release
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Full compatibility for all upgrades sold by Daystar on Apple Supported Systems.
Atlanta, Georgia, April 28, 2005: Daystar Technology, a leading Macintosh Technology Integrator, and provider of CPU upgrades, announced today that it has verified, tested and qualified its upgrades running in the latest releases of Apple's new version of OS X, 10.4, Tiger.
According to Gary Dailey, president of Daystar,
"The latest announcement of Tiger has raised questions on compatibility, given Apple's official, 'upgrade cards are not supported...' statement.
First, let me say clearly, there is no problem with our upgrades and any version of Mac OS 9 or OS X through Tiger. The statement from Apple (used with every release of Mac OS X to date) does allow Apple to refuse tech support calls on systems using upgrade cards. We, however provide toll-free unconditional support to all of our customers. As always our CPU upgrades perform at full speed and with full compatibility.
We have tested Tiger with upgrades on OS X supported systems; the MAChSpeed ZIFs, G-Celerators, and MAChSpeed Pismo upgrades. There are no issues with the upgrades themselves. The MAChCarrier and Lombard upgrades have not been tested with Tiger, as Tiger cannot install on these systems (unsupported systems). XPOSTFACTO (the Open-source utility) may solve this problem in the next few months.
MAChSpeed Control (the optional XLR8 software package sold with Daystar upgrades) is being updated to work within the new Tiger Kernel rules. Currently, they will install, but the utility will not open in Tiger. Current Daystar customers will be upgraded when the Tiger compatible revision is released."
About Daystar and XLR8 Brand Products
Daystar Technology is a Macintosh Technology Integrator. The company specializes in developing custom solutions, and integrating leading performance technologies for consumers, enterprise and graphics professionals. Daystar operates as an Apple Authorized Reseller and Service center, and maintains a staff of Apple Certified Technicians. Daystar is also the designer and manufacturer of XLR8 brand products. With its history as the creator of the original Mac upgrade, the company continues to deliver the best of the best for the Apple based computing platform.