Atlanta, Georgia, March 5, 2006 Daystar Technology, the original Mac Performance Shop, delivered another new milestone in both CPU upgrades and PowerBook speed today. The company announced a new 7448 based CPU upgrade for the PowerBook G4 1.67. The "XLR8 MAChSpeed 7448 Aluminum" is a factory installed upgrade, and will be widely available within the next month.
The first "customer" upgrade has shipped to Mr. Lasse Kvernmo, as a "pre-release" edition of the forthcoming product. Mr. Kvermmo is using his new 1.83 GHz 7448 PowerBook as an audio/video workhorse within the entertainment industry.
Newest PowerBook Only (1.67 GHz).
The 7448 upgrade is limited to the PowerBook 1.67 GHz series only. This limitation is due to hardware restrictions within the PowerBook, which prevent the use of the 7448 in earlier systems. The upgrade also requires Mac OSX 10.4.4 or later.
Like the XLR8 MAChSpeed G4 Aluminum, the PowerBook 7448 upgrade is a factory installed CPU upgrade. Users simply place their PowerBook in the provided box. The shipping, testing, installation and 100% quality assurance is handled completely by Daystar's Apple Certified Technicians.
No Compromise, Just Raw Speed.
The 1MB L2 size is optimal for maximum performance with the best balance between performance and overhead.
In real-world (Photoshop) benchmarks, the 7448 performs 20-30% faster than a 7447A at the same MHz. Overall the XLR8 MAChSpeed 7448 Aluminum provides 30-60% more performance for PowerBook users.