Technical Support
for DayStar Digital Products
System 7.5.3 Installation Tips and Issues
A new System Install presents many opportunities for problems to crop up.
We would like to present some tips that you might want to take into account.
A: Known Compatability Issues:
- System 7.5.3 will cause floppy drives to operate improperly on the MacIIvi, Iivx and Performa 600 with a Turbo 601 installed. DayStar is investigating the problem but at this time we recommend that these userÕs not upgrade to 7.5.3.
B: Installation Tips:
- Run Norton Disk Doctor, MacTools or Apple's Disk First Aid and clean up all anolmalies with your hard drive.
- Back up everything on your hard drive.
- Update your hard disk driver software using a locked floppy of Apple's Disk Tools or your own formatter software.
- Take screen snap shots of your General, Memory, and TCP/IP Control Panels in case this information has to be re-input after the next step.
- ZAP your parameter RAM to make sure it is clean before you do the install. (Hold down Command-Control-P-R while booting and let the machine ÒBongÓ three times, then release the keys).
- Perform a "Clean Install" from your original System 7.5 or 7.5.2 CD or diskettes that came with your Mac. (Hit Command-Shift-K and choose to make a clean install before clicking on the Install button).
- If you are running any DayStar 601 upgrade cards, be sure you put the machine in 601 mode.
- Install the System 7.5 Update 2.0 from locked floppy disks.
- Restart your computer and let the Installer INIT remove unnecessary items.
- Restart your computer again with the Shift Key held down --to disable extensions-- and then hit Command-Option to rebuild the desktop files.
- Transfer necessary control panels, extensions, and preferences from the "previous System Folder" that your clean install created.
- Be sure you are running the latest version of Speed Doubler (1.1.2) or greater.
- If you are running a Genesis MP, be sure to visit our web site and get the latest Genesis MP update disk image (1.2) or greater.
- If you are running a VI, VX or Performa 600 with a Turbo 601, you will have floppy drive problems. We recommend NOT upgrading to System 7.5.3.