Troubleshooting DayStar Products
Most Commonly Asked Technical Questions
Select from the following FAQ's:
Genesis MP/LT Troubleshooting Suggestions
- Are you running the Genesis with the side cover installed? DayStar recommends the side cover be installed whenever the Genesis is running for optimum cooling.
- Are you running with the latest versions of the DayStar MP software? (MP Startup 1.2.1, DayStar Dual or Quad Processor HAL 1.4.8, Multiprocessing API Library 1.4).
- Are you having problems with Photoshop 4.0? Be sure that the 'Multiprocessor Accelerator' is NOT installed in the Photoshop 4.0 Extensions folder.
- Are all of your external connections secure? Power, keyboard, mouse, video.
- Are you standardized on one formatting utility for all hard drives, arrays and removable devices?
- Are you using the highest quality and fastest memory possible in your Genesis? DayStar recommends a speed of 60ns or faster and 2K refresh cycle parts for all DIMMs installed in the Genesis.
- Have you tried clearing Parameter RAM (PRAM)? Perform this task by simultaneously pressing (COMMAND) + (OPTION) + (P) + (R) during startup. Continue holding down the keys until the Genesis BONGS three times.
- Have you tried resetting the CUDA chip? (Power down the Genesis, disconnect the power cord on the center left side of the logic board, just above the processor card (Genesis MP) and on the lower left corner of the logic board (Genesis LT).
- Have you verified you are using known good external SCSI cables and termination?
- Is the processor card securely seated in the logic board slot? If necessary, remove and re-seat the processor card to verify that it is securely seated.
- Are all your DIMM modules securely seated in the logic board sockets? If necessary, remove and re-seat the DIMM modules to verify that they are securely seated.
- Are all your PCI cards securely seated in the logic board sockets? If necessary, remove and reseat the PCI cards to verify that they are securely seated.
- Do you have a complex system? (lots of RAM and PCI cards). Try removing all but one DIMM module, and all but the main video card to determine if one of your DIMM modules or PCI cards is at fault.
Genesis MP/LT DIMM Troubleshooting FAQ
DayStar Genesis MP/LT machines are high performance workstations requiring the highest quality DIMMS. To ensure that your machine provides maximum reliability, DayStar recommends a speed of 60ns or faster using 2K refresh cycle parts for all DIMMs installed in the Genesis. These specifications are identical to Apples specifications for all PCI based Macintosh machines.
What speed and refresh rate is recommended for DIMMs used in the Genesis: 2/26/97
- The Genesis requires the highest quality and fastest memory possible. DayStar recommends a speed of 60ns or faster using 2K refresh cycle parts for all DIMMs installed in the Genesis.
Genesis starts up on a warm boot, but will not start up on a cold boot: 2/19/97
- Cold boot the Genesis with the DIMMs NOT interleaved by removing all but one DIMM
- If Genesis boots cold, replace one DIMM at a time, interleaving the DIMMs and cold boot to isolate the bad DIMM
The Genesis will not interleave DIMMs: 2/26/97
- Verify that the DIMMs are from the same manufacturer. Be sure they physically look the same and the chips on the modules of both DIMMs are manufactured by the same vendor. Also, be sure they are the same speed and refresh rate (I.E. - 60ns, 2K refresh cycle parts).
The Genesis MP will randomly crash and freeze.
- Check the manufacturer of DIMMS in the Genesis MP. There are two types of Newer Technology 64MB DIMMS. They both unfortunatly have the same part number. If there is not a Newer Tech. name anywhere on the DIMM, they need to be replaced with the other style of Newer Technology 64MB DIMM. The correct ones will have Newer Tech. printed on the upper center of the DIMM.
DIMM installation in the Genesis: 2/26/97
- The preferred location of DIMM modules is to install the DIMMs in matched pairs from largest size to smallest size, and to start in the top slots and work your way down.
Genesis MP Troubleshooting FAQ
No BONG when powering up the Genesis MP:
- Reset the CUDA chip (Power down the Genesis MP, disconnect the power cord then press and hold the button for ten seconds). The CUDA button is small and red and is located on the center left side of the logic board, just above the processor card.
- Reseat the nPOWER card
- Reseat the video card
- Reseat the ROM SIMM (if present)
- Disconnect SCSI devices
- Remove all PCI cards
The system shuts down intermittently:
- Ensure that all air vents are not obstructed
- Ensure both fans are operable
- If problem is a possible thermal protection shut down, allow the system to cool for 30 minutes before continuing troubleshooting procedures
- Ensure the power cord is properly connected
- Reset the CUDA chip (Power down the Genesis MP, disconnect the power cord and then press and hold the button for ten seconds). The CUDA button is small and red and is located on the center left side of the logic board, just above the processor card.
The system intermittently crashes or hangs:
- Verify the Genesis MP is booting from System v7.5.5 or later
- Verify the inits in your System Folder are compatible (contact software manufacturer) Reboot with extensions off to determine if system extensions are cause of problem
- Remove preferences folder from system folder and reboot to determine if a corrupt preference is causing the problem
- Remove fonts folder from system folder and reboot to determine if a corrupt font is causing problem
- Clear Parameter RAM (PRAM)? Perform this task by simultaneously pressing (COMMAND) + (OPTION) + (P) + (R) during startup. Continue holding down the keys until the Genesis BONGS three times.
- Perform a clean install of the system software. (refer to the User Guide)
- Reset the CUDA chip (Power down the Genesis MP, disconnect the power cord then press and hold the button for ten seconds). The CUDA button is small and red and is located on the center left side of the logic board, just above the processor card.
- Remove and test all DIMMs by replacing one at a time. Replace any defective DIMMs
- Ensure all processors are available by utilizing the Genesis MP Control Utility
- Ensure all processors are functional by utilizing PowerFrax
- Remove any additional PCI cards to determine if a card is defective
During startup, the following message appears: "This startup disk will not work on this Macintosh model.....":
- Verify the startup volume is working
- Verify that the system software is v7.5.5 or later
- Perform a clean install of the system software (refer to the User Guide)
The system provides the correct startup sequence but no video is apparent on the display:
- Reset the CUDA chip (Power down the Genesis MP, disconnect the power cord then press and hold the button for ten seconds). The CUDA button is small and red and is located on the center left side of the logic board, just above the processor card.
- Remove and test all DIMMs by replacing one at a time. Replace any defective DIMMs
- Relocate DIMMs to a different location
- Reseat the video card
- Reseat the nPOWER card
- Reseat the ROM SIMM (if present)
The system provides the correct startup sequence but the video is continuously rolling, perform the following procedures:
- If your monitor requires a sync on green signal, be sure your graphics card provides it
- If you are using a cable adapter with switchable resolutions, be sure it is set to a resolution that both the card and monitor support
- Reseat the video card
- Reseat the nPOWER card
- Reseat the ROM SIMM (if present)
- Clear Parameter RAM (PRAM)? Perform this task by simultaneously pressing (COMMAND) + (OPTION) + (P) + (R) during startup. Continue holding down the keys until the Genesis BONGS three times.
- Check video card manual for startup syncing options
The internal floppy disk drive is inoperable:
- Check the floppy disk drive with a known-good diskette
- Check to be sure cable is plugged in at the floppy disk drive and the motherboard
- Run the Floppy Drive Clean option in TechTool 1.1.3 ftp://members.aol.com/micromat/
- Replace the floppy drive cable
- Replace the floppy disk drive
A diskette ejects during system startup displaying a blinking floppy icon with an "X" or "?"
- Ensure you have a known-good startup diskette
- A new Disk Tools diskette can be created from the Genesis CD if the machine is operational
The floppy drive does not eject the floppy diskette:
- Power off the computer. Hold down the mouse button while powering up
- Use a paper clip to manually eject the floppy diskette
The floppy drive attempts to eject the diskette but cannot, perform the following procedures:
- Ensure the front panel correctly aligns with the floppy drive
- Use a paper clip to manually eject the floppy diskette
- Ensure the diskette is in good condition
- Replace the floppy disk drive
The floppy drive runs continuously:
- Check the floppy disk drive with a known-good diskette
- Replace the floppy disk drive
The floppy drive will not format a High Density (HD) diskette:
- Check the floppy disk drive with a known-good diskette
- Install the PowerMac Format Patch located on the DayStar 3.3 CD or on our Web Page
Internal boot hard drive doesn't spin:
- Check with another power connector on the power cable assembly
- Check with a known-good hard drive
- Replace the hard drive
Internal boot hard drive spins but will not boot:
- Ensure no device on the SCSI chain is set for address number seven
- Verify there are no duplicate SCSI device addresses
- Verify that only the last device in the SCSI chain is terminated and is on the last connector on the SCSI ribbon cable.
- Ensure SCSI devices are being recognized at the correct addresses by utilizing the Genesis MP Control utility
- Run Disk First Aid to verify the condition of the drive's directory structure
- Check with a known-good hard drive
- Update Hard Disk Driver
- Re-install System Software
- Initialize the drive using the formatting software provided with the Genesis MP or your own formatter if other than FWB (refer to the User Guide for instruction). Re-install System Software
- Replace the SCSI cable
- Replace the hard drive
The hard drive doesn't appear on the desktop:
- Verify there are no duplicate SCSI device addresses.
- Mount the drive by utilizing the Genesis MP control.
- Run Disk First Aid to verify the condition of the drive's directory structure.
- Back up hard drive if needed.
- Initialize the drive using the formatting software provided with the Genesis MP (refer to the User Guide for instruction).
- Check with a known-good hard drive.
- Replace the SCSI cable.
- Replace the hard drive.
The system boots but other hard drives don't appear on the desktop:
- Verify the other hard drives are spinning up. If it is an internal hard drive and it is not spinning up, try using another power connector.
- Verify there are no duplicate SCSI device addresses
- Mount the drive by utilizing the Genesis MP Control utility
- Run Disk First Aid to verify the condition of the drive's directory structure
- Back up hard drive if needed
- Initialize the drive using the formatting software provided with the Genesis MP or your own formatter if other than FWB (refer to the User Guide for instruction)
- Check with a known-good hard drive
- Replace the SCSI cable
- Replace the hard drive
Cursor doesn't move:
- Remove all ADB dongles and reboot
- Check the mouse and keyboard connections
- Inspect the inside of the mouse device for buildup of dirt or other contaminants, Clean if nessessary
- If the mouse was connected to a keyboard, connect the mouse to another port on the keyboard
- If problem is not resolved, connect mouse directly to the computer
- Replace the keyboard cable if the mouse functions when connected directly to the computer
- If replacement of the keyboard cable does not solve the problem, replace the keyboard
- If the mouse device doesn't work while directly connected to the computer, replace the mouse
Cursor moves, but the mouse button doesn't have a clicking effect:
- Boot from a floppy or bootable CD to eliminate possible system software corruption
- Check with a known-good mouse device, if this works, replace the mouse
There is no response to any key pressed on the keyboard:
- Check the cable connection to the keyboard and the connection to the computers ADB port
- Remove all ADB dongles and reboot
- Check with a known-good keyboard
- Replace the keyboard cable
- Replace the keyboard
The Genesis MP doesn't display the CD-ROM icon once a CD has been inserted in the drive:
- Check with a known-good compact disc
- Verify the CD-ROM software is installed (CD-ROM Toolkit)
- Check power and SCSI connections to the CD-ROM drive
- Reinstall the CD-ROM software
- Replace the SCSI data cable
- Replace the CD-ROM Drive
The Genesis MP crashes with a Type 11 error:
- Delete the preferences for the application that is crashing
- Reboot with extensions off to determine if system extensions are cause of problem
- Perform a Clean install of the system software using the latest Genesis MP CD (3.3 is the latest)
- Perform a Clean install of the system software using the latest Genesis MP CD (3.3 is the latest)
The Genesis MP will not multiprocess in Photoshop:
- Verify that the Genesis MP is running Photoshop version 3.0.5 or greater
- Verify that there is only one 'Multiprocessor Accelerator' extension in the Photoshop Plug-ins folder (version 3.0.5), and that it is the most recent (1.0.2)
- Verify that there is only one 'Multiprocessor Extension' extension in the Photoshop Plug-ins folder and that the 'Multiprocessor Accelerator' extension is NOT installed (version 4.0)
- Verify that the path to the Plug-ins folder in Photoshop is set to the correct Plug-ins folder
- See related article 'Photoshop MP Troubleshooting'
Long PCI cards will not fit in the Genesis MP (Not enough space): 2/19/97
- The Genesis MP will need the newer style PCI card guide bracket. You can identify the newer style bracket by looking to see if the bracket has three holes Êin it where it mounts up to the fan assembly.
HDT ToolKit 2.0.5 and MicroNet DataDock conflict: 2/26/97
- An incompatibility between FWB's Hard Disk ToolKit and MicroNet's DataDock adapter card, will be resolved in a new version of MicroNet's software (PowerRaven 3.07 and Diskworks 3.11). The symptom is that any disk, removable or fixed, that has the 2.0.5 FWB driver on it may cause an unimplemented trap or Type 10 error if mounted on a machine with the DataDock attached. The workaround is to be sure that all of your Hard Drives internal and external are formatted with the same formatting software. If you are using a MicroNet DataDock, for example, all of your Hard Drives should be formatted with Power Raven.
The Genesis MP Freezes at the Grey screen on Startup with an FWB PCI JackHammer SCSI Card installed: 2/26/97
- The ROM version of the FWB PCI JackHammer SCSI Card must be 1.1.4 or greater in order to prevent a freeze on startup in the Genesis MP. The software is available on StreamLogics Web page. http://www.sledgehammer.com/ftp/jackhammer/pcijack1.1.4.sea.hqx
Once the new software is installed, open the PCI SCSI JackHammerTM Control Panel and a dialog box will appear asking if you want to update the ROM.
ThunderPower 30 vs Thunder 30 or ThunderColor 30 in the Genesis MP: 3/4/97
- For those seeking top performance in all applications in Genesis MP CPU's 132 MHz and faster, Radius recommends the ThunderPower series.
TechTool Pro's Level 2 Cache test fails on the Genesis MP: 3/21/97
- TechTool Pro's Level 2 Cache test is unreliable while running in the Genesis MP. A report has been sent to MicroMat on this issue.
Genesis FAQ - Revision 6 - Tuesday, June 24, 1997