2380 Suwanee Dr., MS106-102, Suwanee, GA 30024 - Questions: [email protected]

My G3/G4 Upgraded Computer Boots, or starts to boot up,
but crashes or operates unstably.

If this is the case, there are several possible causes:

  1. ROYAL B rand VRM:  If there is a "Royal Tech" VRM (voltage regulator module) module inside the beige G3, then you cannot run any speed G4 upgrade - from any manufacturer - unless you replace it. Apple used this VRM on only a small percentage of Beige G3 Models. The word Royal is printed on the module for easy identification and if you have put a G4 into a machine with the Royal VRAM, the likely result is the burn out of the G4 as well as the logic board.
    • This issue is related only to Apple PowerMac Beige models and it is estimated that less than 2% of these machines could have the Royal VRM.
    • There is a company called Creative Connections that is offering a replacement VRM for the Beige G3's. For more information visit, http://www.ccidomain.com/mac/vrm-ultra/index.htm.
  2. Bad ZIF Connection: The ZIF connectors are extremely sensitive to dust, debris and oxidation. To ensure that you have a good connection, remove the heatsink, and CPU card. Us a can of compressed air to spray in the ZIF connector holes while rotating the ZIF locking arm several times. Then reinsert the ZIF CPU card and apply firm pressure to the ZIF CPU card while rotating the ZIF locking arm several times. Reapply the heatsink, and test your board again.
  3. PRAM. Have you reset your PRAM? It is very important that the computer P-Ram be reset when you change the speed of your computer. Certain functions are sensitive to processor timing and sometimes the Parameter Ram (PRAM) can become corrupted. To eliminate the possibility of problem be sure to reset the CUDA switch on your logic board, located at the top left of your Beige G3's Logic Board, outside of the PCI slots, whenever you change speed settings via logic board jumpers. Use a ball point pen to press the small round button in for about 3-5 seconds. You will know that you were able to reset it if your date and time settings need to be reset when you start up your system.
  4. Heat Problem: The metal clip the holds the Heat Sink down on the processor is not symmetrical. It has an off center bend that is designed to apply pressure on the point where processor 'window' comes in contact with the heatsink. Putting this clip on backwards will result in improper contact between the processor 'window' and the heatsink which in turn will cause improper cooling. Please check the clip and confirm that the bend is closest to the processor 'window' portion of the ZIF.
  5. PCI Card Problem: You could have a Video PCI Card, such as the IxMicro Ultimate Rez 8mb with Apple Rom do not operate correctly in machines with speeds above 400 MHz. This card was a stock option on certain Apple G3 beige computers and was offered separately by some resellers. The RETAIL version of this card with standard Rom does not suffer this problem, it is only the OEM Apple Rom model that is of issue. Additionally, we have confirmed that some PowerComputing OEM video cards, IX Micro Twin Turbo 2mb and 4mb Video cards are not compatible with higher speeds.

    • SCSI Accelerators. Some customers have reported that their machines have been unstable with different (nothing consistent) SCSI Accelerators. This is unconfirmed, although likely solved with a software or firmware update.

    • USB Cards. Again, unconfirmed. There have been USB issues on a number of occasions, some customers have said that a certain b rand of USB card was the problem.

    • High End Audio or Video Capture PCI Cards. Anything like this that is used for digital recording is EXTREMELY sensitive to time fluctuations. If your product was purchased prior to faster systems being available, it is possible that the proprietary ROM or software that operates the card may be in need of update. As a guideline, if the card(s) you have is listed as compatible with a G3 or G4 computer of the same or higher clock speed, then you are in the clear. If not, because of the cost of such high end cards, it would be advisable to contact the manufacturer to make sure their product is setup to run in a faster system.
  6. RAM Problem: Memory is very important and not all PC66 and PC100 is alike. Lower quality PC66 and PC100 memory can have a slower refresh cycle than Apple recommends or introduce levels of noise. While you computer may operate without issue at its original speed, the importance of quality, Apple Spec memory or better increases dramatically. Also, Beige G3 Owners, just because it�s PC100, doesn't mean its better than PC66. Low Cost PC100 memory can actually be SLOWER than your Apple's stock PC66 memory!

    • To determine if your memory is the problem, remove all except the stock memory that came with your computer. If the computer operates correctly configured in this way, it is possible that you have installed at least one piece of memory that is sub-spec. Replacing such part(s) with a proper module should alleviate the problem.

  7. System software problem: Did you reset the PRAM when you first installed? If not and you ran the machine several times while it ran unstably, it�s possible that a component of the system became damaged. It is also possible that you have an older software extension installed that needs updating as its current version is not able to process correctly with the new higher speed.

    • To narrow down the problem, try booting with extensions off. If your computer boots and operates stably, use extensions manager to turn off all non Apple installed extensions. If upon restarting with only the Apple set your computer operates stably, you can selectively activate other extensions and restarting until you encounter the instability. If an extension issue is the problem, once you've narrowed it down, smooth sailing should ensue.

    • If your computer does not boot with extensions off, or crashes with the Apple set, you need to boot off your Apple CD. If the CD Boots without incident, its of greater possibility that your system folder may be damaged. Doing a clean install (this will backup your existing system folder) should eliminate any software problems and if the newly installed system boots without exhibiting any problems, your new processor is unlikely to have been the cause of problems and you now have a clean system foundation install additions to.
  8. ROM issue: Some customers have reported issues with older Rev "A" systems and faster processors. Daystar tests every processor in all revisions of Beige G3 and B&W G3/G4 "Yikes" system for full compatibility.

  9. Bad ZIF or system specific factor: If after taking the above steps your ZIF is still not operational, it is likely you have a bad ZIF module.
    • Please contact Daystar tech support via [email protected] or by phone at 404-625-7432 during the hours of 9am-8pm EST Monday - Friday. They will be able to set up an exchange to supply you with a properly working ZIF.